Well, today I have such an intuition that today is a special day. It's bright and sunny, it's wonderful and most of all it's my church's birthday party. *party? Hahaha..
So I wear my favorite dress that makes me feel beautiful, comb my hair, and even put some make up..
Well, it isn't always perfect.. I get trouble to find the parking lot, my knee hit my motorcycle and now its numb. It's difficult to find any empty seat because the church already so full. But, praise the Lord, He manage all of things and it did well. I park my motorcycle, I can sit and concentrate to the mass.
When the mass finished, the bazaar is opened and I can find many of my favorite foods-snacks-and drinks there. Like crepe, cereal, fruit salad, chocolate milk, etc.
But, the best thing is a free photo booth!! Yeaaahhhh.. it's just a moment, but our life builds by each moments. I'm so grateful that I get a photo when I wear my favorite dress, when I feel so beautiful and I am definitely happy!!!
If think that 'today is a special day' and it could end up so beautiful like this. Why don't I think that 'today is a special day' in every days of my life? Hmmm... It's surely easy to say than to practice. But, we are what we choose to be. So, I want to choose to practice it!
Wear my favorite clothes that makes me feels amazing, comb my hair, put some make up, wear a nice shoes, and just be patient when life gets hard. Because today is a special day, and something special happens today!! definitely!!
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