Well, looks like I haven't told anyone before how I love reading a books. Especially about dreams come true, relationship and sometimes-but it's so rarely since I felt guilty when read about superstition because it's banned from Bible-feng shui..
So, this is the third books from Rhonda Byrne. The first is "The Secret", second is "The Power" and the third is "The Magic".
The Secret told us about "The Law of Attraction", what we think is what we gonna be. Actually this theory is not new to me, since I was in senior high school I have knew it and maybe some unconsciously applied it. At that time I know that when we thought, said, and believed so much about some affirmation, that affirmation would becoming true.
The Power told us about what is the most powerful thing in the world, LOVE. When you do it with love, you would have tremendous energy to do it.
And The Magic, is about gratitude. About how we change our life through a simple words, Thank You. Actually this book is a 28-days step to graceful life. Everyday you must read one chapter and doing it until you feel that your life changes for better.
I have read the few first chapters, but at some point it becomes too many grateful things to do and I just can't do it everyday. so sad. But, I'm still doing it, the easy ones.. hahhaha..
Like every night before sleep, say thank you for the best thing that happen today. And every time see photo of your lovely friends, see their face and say "Thank you (their name)" for what they did to you and feel grateful for it sincerely since we grow because of them.
And say, "Thank You, the magic of health is keeping me alive" as your grateful for your health. I love how Rhonda describe this magic of health. Every time I read this phrase, I'm spinning my body around, as feels my feet that makes me could walk freely everywhere, feels my hand, my finger that can play piano, draw manga, write, type and so on, feels my body that so healthy, allow me to do everything I want. It just makes me so truly grateful.
And when I buy something, I take its note and write "Thank you-paid" as your grateful that you could buy the things I need or want. And my favorite thing is, I wrote on a paper, "Thank you for all the money I have been given throughout my Life", then sticked it in a bills, one bill on my desk and the other one on my wallet. Then every time I pass my desk or I open my wallet, I touch the bill, read it, and feel so grateful about it.

In my desk, I sticked a paper with "Thank You, the magic of health is keeping me alive" written on it. And there was a time, a couple weeks ago that my bill on my desk is disappear. I am so sad! Truly, everyday I see it, touch it, before I go to campus and it's disappear?!!! Even though I was sad, I kept say that words. And then one day-I don't quite sure if it just me who try to manipulate the truth of this theory,but-my Grandma just give me Rp.20.000,- bill, the same amount which I lost it. My Grandma hasn't gave me any pocket money since I graduated, so it was so wonderful that she gave me the thing I want.
But when I was sad because my money disappear, I told it to my friends on my chat group. My friend, Nanin, said that I am kind of cute doing things like this and decided to follow it too. But, my friend Febrina asked, "Is it really working?" *the charm, the doing of grateful things..
At that time, I just shocked and I can't say a word. Then I thought, "hahhaha... it must be really awkward, since I can prove it but I just do it. *do the sticking grateful phrase on the bill. Feels like I do it without thinking, just fooling around, feels like I have lost my logic or something like that..".
But I kept doing it, hahahhaha... Rhonda has said that it is the theory which you can find in Bible, Quran, Budhist and so on, so why mustn't I do it? But, the thing I found was the truth that I do it but don't believe it. That's why I can't answer that question!
Matthew 13:12 Whoever has (gratitude) will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have (gratitude), even what they have will be taken from them.
Jesus said "thank you" before He performed each miracle.
Gratitude for the abundance you have received is the best insurance that the abundance will continue. -Prophet Muhammad
I remember Mr. John Assaraf story about our mind, he told us: "There's 5 frogs siting on a cliff, one of them decided to jump. So now, how many frog is remain?". Do you know how many? The answer is 5, because that frog is just decide, but not jump!
That's why the truth came out that, I do it, but I just decide to believe it, haven't believe it. And it makes me realizes, that's why my life just so so, because I do it, and I do it not consistent enough, and now I realize that I still haven't believe it. *Even though it still gets the effects, because it's the law, it is how its work.
Well, this time I have something that I desperately want it to be fulfilled. So, I pray for it, ask Him for it, I believe it, I give all I have and used every secret and magic from ms Rhonda said and every things. And I will write to you, when the time comes.
Thank You for reading this outpouring of my heart, thank you, thank you, thank you.