Love it...(⌒▽⌒)☆

This photo just so me... hahhaha... from Mr. Johm Assaraf..

The one i love..

Wanna see the world with you...

Lovely Ladies..

Wish this friendship stay still untill our grandchild...

This one is wonderful

Wanna hang out with you again guys... (❁´◡`❁)*✲゚*


Hahaha.. everyone so serious...

Photo Booth..

This do makes you laugh...

Sabtu, 14 September 2013

Happy 25th year my Salib Suci

Well, today I have such an intuition that today is a special day. It's bright and sunny, it's wonderful and most of all it's my church's birthday party. *party? Hahaha..

So I wear my favorite dress that makes me feel beautiful, comb my hair, and even put some make up..

Well, it isn't always perfect.. I get trouble to find the parking lot, my knee hit my motorcycle and now its numb. It's difficult to find any empty seat because the church already so full. But, praise the Lord, He manage all of things and it did well. I park my motorcycle, I can sit and concentrate to the mass.

When the mass finished, the bazaar is opened and I can find many of my favorite foods-snacks-and drinks there. Like crepe, cereal, fruit salad, chocolate milk, etc.

But, the best thing is a free photo booth!! Yeaaahhhh.. it's just a moment, but our life builds by each moments. I'm so grateful that I get a photo when I wear my favorite dress, when I feel so beautiful and I am definitely happy!!!

If think that 'today is a special day' and it could end up so beautiful like this. Why don't I think that 'today is a special day' in every days of my life? Hmmm... It's surely easy to say than to practice. But, we are what we choose to be. So, I want to choose to practice it!

Wear my favorite clothes that makes me feels amazing, comb my hair, put some make up, wear a nice shoes, and just be patient when life gets hard. Because today is a special day, and something special happens today!! definitely!!

Senin, 02 September 2013

Is it just me?

Waw, I read this post and found out that it doesn't only happen in me. It's everyone problems! Thank you Mr. Leo for share it.

Work, Love and Life..

So today I download new article from Umano, which is Why We Should Rethink the Eight-Hour Workday and I love it! Waw, it's just like answering what I have been searching for, for so long-my exaggerating effects. 

I like what Mr. Schwartz said, about focusing four types of energy everyday which are :
  • Your physical energy - how healthy are you?
  • Your emotional energy - how happy are you?
  • Your mental energy - how well can you focus on something?
  • Your spiritual energy - why are you doing all of this? What is your purpose?

And closed with one lovely quote, "Manage your energy, not your time".

The basic understanding is that the human minds can focus on any given task for 90-120 minutes. Afterwards, a 20-30 minute break is required for us to get the renewal to achieve high performance for our next task again. Here is a better representation of the ultradian rhythm:
So instead of thinking about “What can I get done in an 8-hour day?” I’ve started to change my thinking to What can I get done in a 90-minute session?" Now it’s time to break down those 90-minute sessions further. P
Let's start maximize our 90-120 minutes, with better focus ability.

Jumat, 16 Agustus 2013

Obstacles are..

Hahaha.. finally I make a new post!! Actually I have created a draft for the continuity post before, "Time just passed by".
So, here I have such a great quote:
"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when YOU TAKE YOUR EYES OFF YOUR GOAL!!!"
It just reminds me when I was an apprentice last month, when the distance of my cousin's home and the office is so damn far. It's doubling my previous office, and at that time I remember I just last for less than one month before I decided to join my friend's boarding.
But its time was just fine, I done my internship for four weeks successfully-wish I could say so. I was arriving on time those days, and went home almost on time too. Spent one hour for home to office journey, so I spent two hours (per day) on the road. Hahaha.. Maybe It's because my goal were accomplished my intern perfectly, gained knowledge as much as I can, be a discipline person I can be, and did it for me and people arround me.
Today I just feel something difficult facing me, and it exhaust me so much. Belittle me and I kind of knocked down.
Then I remember this quote, it pump me up again. So this time my goals are.. #himitsu

Kamis, 01 Agustus 2013

Day when you realize that you're too negative

Noooooooooooooo!!!! I want to be positive person!! Can't believe what happened to me till I become like this!! Ugh, I talked to my friend today and I realized I was being so negative.. so to erase that I'll count my blessing!
1. Thank You, thank You, thank You, I'm healthy. My lips hurt but I'm healthy enough to walk and do some stuff.
2. I'm blessed, I almost hit a motorcycle and a car today, but it missed.. Thank You, thank You, thank You.. thank You my Lord, You save me...
3. I'm so thankful that my internship report is done, with little review.. Thank You, thank You, thank You..
4. I'm so happy that today I have es oyen after I came from campus and feels so thirsty.... Thank You, thank You, thank You...
5. I'm so thankful, today I print my report in a good place, where the printer is new and work perfectly and the paper is thick enough... Thank You, thank You, thank You..
6. I'm so lucky to meet Retta today so I can pay my debt..hahaha... Thank You, thank You, thank You..
7. I'm so really really grateful that I meet with my junior and I were taught how to make 3D object, even he gives me the tutorial videos!!! Waw... God bless him, Thank You, thank You, thank You...
8. I'm so thankful that my Mom reminds me how negative I am today so that I can change myself to be better person.. Thank You, thank You, thank You..
9. I'm happy, is an ordinary day but my family can sit together and we have talks, It's fun.. Thank You, thank You, thank You..
10. I'm thankful to have Retta, Berli, Hani, mas Subeqan, Bondan, Jabbar, ayang Oland, Itak, Ulil, pak Muhadi, pak Alfid, tante Tin and all of my friends and family.. they thought me so many things... Bless them Lord, because I love them and I wish them to be shiawase... Thank You, thank You, thank You..

Quote of the day is:
"Think globally, act locally"

Rabu, 31 Juli 2013

Time just passed by..

Can't believe my new habit that I breed when I was at my internship program are now totally disappear!!!

When I was at intern, I wake up at 5 am and sleep at 10-11pm. And now it is gone!! I turn back to someone who sleep at 1 am and wake up 8-9am. It's not good at all!!! I must meet with my lecture before 3 pm and I just let the time slipped away in sleep.

Tomorrow I must wake up at 4.30 am and go to Church!!! And run!! Hahaha.. and make this a habit!!

Well let's see tomorrow..

By the way I like this quote:
"Little faith says, 'God can do it'. Big faith says, 'God will do it'. But Great faith says, 'IT IS DONE! For nothing is impossible with God'!!!"

c u tomorrow.

Selasa, 30 Juli 2013

For the love of my Lord..

Yaaaayyyy.. finally today I go to church 30minutes before the mass start and I feel so happy. Hehehe..
And start today I will start to draw again in my diary!! I don't know whether it could last forever or not. But I have decided, since my drawing feels little uglier than back then.
Today best quote is, "My life is not flat at all. It's so rich of emotions, experiences and memories, good and bad, and I thankful for that. Because it creates who am I today." And the most important thing is it makes me wiser. For You my Lord, what I become.

Minggu, 28 Juli 2013

How deep is your love?【・ヘ・?】

Happy sunday..
I wake up 04.55 am this morning because I want to go to Church to pray, that start at 05.30 am. It's not too early morning, but I have wake up late lately. That is why it feels kind of difficult. But I wake up early enough this morning, it's enough for 15 minutes take a bath, 15 minutes journey from home to the Church. Unfortunately, I take bath for more than 15 minutes, and I arrive at the Church-not very late, but it is late enough-when the first reading was being read.
And today Gospel Reading is about what pray should we say?(Luke 11:1-13)

Luke 11:1-13

New International Version (NIV)

Jesus’ Teaching on Prayer

11 One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.”
He said to them, “When you pray, say:
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come.[b]
Give us each day our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins,
    for we also forgive everyone who sins against us.[c]
And lead us not into temptation.[d]’”
Then Jesus said to them, “Suppose you have a friend, and you go to him at midnight and say, ‘Friend, lend me three loaves of bread; a friend of mine on a journey has come to me, and I have no food to offer him.’ And suppose the one inside answers, ‘Don’t bother me. The door is already locked, and my children and I are in bed. I can’t get up and give you anything.’ I tell you, even though he will not get up and give you the bread because of friendship, yet because of your shameless audacity[e] he will surely get up and give you as much as you need.
“So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 10 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.
11 “Which of you fathers, if your son asks for[f] a fish, will give him a snake instead? 12 Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? 13 If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!”

I love this reading so much, especially this quotes "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." But today, my Romo (Pastor) emphasise not in that quotes, but in the prayer. Pray as a shape of our love to Our Lord, conversation between us and Him. The main point is LOVE, do we always pray as an expression of love to Him?
But the expression of love to him, is not only on prayer but also when we go to Church. If you are going to meet your dear Lover, will you be late? If you talk to your dear, would you want it to be done quickly?

Waw, today I just get slapped and realise how little is my love for my dearest Lord. That is why, start from now on. When I want to go to Church I am going to wake up one hour and depart 30 minutes before the Mass start!!! Definitely!!! へ(>_<)

Because I have embarrassed enough to death this morning!!!

Selasa, 23 Juli 2013

Dear Friends..

Well, tomorrow is my last day in Jakarta and I want to meet my friends before-I don't know when I could meet them again, since I haven't planned to Jakarta again this year. And since today is month of fasting for Moslem, it's predicted to be so crowd in mall at breakfast time.
So I take a responsibility to book a place for them for breakfasting. Because I choose the nearest place from my Causin's home to meet. Unfortunately the place I choose doesn't receive any booking. Means that I must wait and make an order there-that time-if I want to eat there at breakfasting time. And that means I must wait approximately 45minutes. There, alone, in the table for 5 people.

Then the breakfasting time is in, and I have waited but no one comes, till I wait for more than one hour..
I feel so embarrassing, because until the breakfasting hours has passed, no one comes.

And feels so stupid, and I hate the fact that it feels like it just me who want to meet them. Luckily, my Prince would like to accompany me by phone. He call me and feels sorry that he can't come. And that time I just want to cry, I want to go home coz the embarrassment. But if I go home I feel like I'm lying to the maid. That's why I keep waiting and waiting. With sad and anger of disappointment, I said to my Prince, "ah, I dont want to meet them again. I won't invite them again. If I want to meet them, then I just go to their place, even that means I can't gather them together. Better than wait for them with uncertainty and alone!!"

But my Prince said, "even when you said something like that now. I know you'll be happy when you meet them."

But I can't believe it. I don't want to accept it.

And they come, and we talk. It's not a funny talk like we always have. But, ayang Oland is right. I just happy I meet them. After I waited for more than 2 hours alone!! Can't believe that they are very dear for me!! Even after makes me embarrassed for more than 2 hours!!!

Thank You my Lord I didn't stop waiting for them.

Rabu, 26 Juni 2013

Human is strong..

Well, since last Monday I have been an apprentice at Jakarta. I stay at my cousin's home which is 16km away from the office where I work. So I must ride bus Trans Jakarta to go there from my cousin's home. And everyday I go home, I never get a sit till half of my journey. And It's very tough!! The bus is so full and I must stay balancing its move. I'm so really really lucky that I can sit. Despite of how hard it is, I still amaze of the human's power.

Remind me of my Mom's saying, "susah karena belum terbiasa, kalau sudah biasa ya mudah."
Hmmm... But I keep this piece of puzzle to motivate me to reach a better life. And after a long journey like this, always give me a wake up call of how big people have struggled so much to reach their position now..

Minggu, 23 Juni 2013

Quote of the day

I am looking for a fighter. The one that I can ask to, "What do you think about it?"
-Tony Fernandez
The Apprentice Asia 2013 Host.
Group Chief Executive Officer, AirAsia. Tan Sri Dr. Tony Fernandes has a personal credo -"Believe the unbelievable. Dream the impossible. Never take no for an answer". He graduated from Epsom College, UK, London School of Economics and has been the Group CEO of AirAsia since December 2001.
Prior to AirAsia, he was the Financial Controller of Virgin Communications London before joining Warner Music International London in 1989. He was promoted to Managing Director, Warner Music Malaysia in 1992 and to Regional Managing Director, ASEAN, Warner Music South East Asia in 1996. In 1999, he became the Vice President of Warner Music South East Asia.
Amongst the many awards Tony has received, the most recent award is: Honor of the Commander of the Order of the British Empire by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, conferred on him for services to promote commercial and educational links between the UK and Malaysia. He was named as one of the world's most creative people in business for 2011 by New York-based business magazine Fast Company, and awarded the Inaugural ‘Travel Business Leaders Award’ winner by CNBC.
Tony: To be my Apprentice, you need a high level of business acumen, and that includes managing risks, and making sound investment decisions, often under tremendous pressure.

Sabtu, 22 Juni 2013

Dating... (/∀\*)

Awawawaw... Do you know? My first job after graduated is as mobile app developer in Jakarta, so I moved to Jakarta. Six months later, watashi no koibito graduated and worked at Yamaha in Jakarta. At that time my Sister worked 2km away from my office, so I visited her regularly and we liked to hang out together with my Boyfriend. But time passed and now I basically work in Surabaya, my Sister in Osaka and my Boyfriend in Jakarta.

But it's a lucky thing that today I am an apprentice in Jakarta for one months. That is why now I am at Jakarta, and I can have a date with my Boyfriend.

Happy? Absolutely..

But the most "Waw" moment today is when my Sist chatted me and said that she miss us, remind us when we ate burger/chicken/pancake together. For me, it's a wake up call. Warning me how fast time passed away and how precious is now, for our future! Even eat a pancake can be so a lovely treasure.

Thanks to technology that can save that precious moments for the eternity. Thank you, thank you, thank you, that my life is so wonderful and full of lovely people.

Kamis, 20 Juni 2013


Based on Oxford's dictionary means :

    noun /ˈesəns/ 
    essences, plural
    1. The intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something, esp. something abstract, that determines its character
      • - conflict is the essence of drama
    2. A property or group of properties of something without which it would not exist or be what it is

      • Something that exists; in particular, a spiritual entity
        • - the position that names express essences
      • An extract or concentrate obtained from a particular plant or other matter and used for flavoring or scent

    Well, a moment ago I just watch this video and amaze. And realize something, which I have been forgetting it for so long.

    It reminds me a couple months ago, when I watched a reality show on television, the host said something like this:

    "I never believe in Luck. I always think that we are lucky because we have the knowledge to do, to make or etc, in the right time. Let say there's a lottery falling on the ground, if the man who passed that road didn't know it was a lottery, he wouldn't take it, or he even could throw it to garbage bin."

    That time I think that's quite true. And I remember some months ago, I found something like this:

    "Patient doesn't mean doing nothing, waiting with idly silent. But used everything you have to achieve your dream. As waiting that dreams became reality."

    Well, when I think if I am the one who interviewed in that videos, maybe I don't know what to do in "Medical Assistant" interview scene. Looks like I should gain a knowledge about it, and train my courage. hahahha...

    Believing is doing, courage is in action!

    Sabtu, 08 Juni 2013


    Well, recently I just realize that my life was just going with the flow.. Even I dream many and big, but the truth is, I just let it go, slip away, pass by, and.. regret.
    autopilot (a cognitive state in which you act without self-awareness) "she went about her chores on automatic pilot"; "too much of the writing seems to have been done on automatic pilot"; "she talked and he dozed and my mind went on autopilot"

    Senin, 03 Juni 2013

    Teach is lead..

    “The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” 
    “In learning you will teach, and in teaching you will learn.” 
    “Those who know, do. Those that understand, teach.” 
    ― Aristotle
    Because of my training program, I get a chance to teach some kids, which I dear so much when I have know them better in two days. So, I came at Akademi Komunitas Negeri Surabaya to practice my teaching skills. And they gave me this schedule :
    First week  : Preparation before teaching
    Second week :
    Monday and Tuesday : Berlian Juliharta
    Wednesday and Thursday : Bina Rahayu S.
    Friday and Saturday : Wahyu Hany 
    Third week : Submit the syllabus, course meeting plan, moduls and scoring sheets. 
    Fourth week : Last Term Test

    I am really lucky that I have this opportunity, I teach in all fresh graduate high schoolers and we only teach for two days and even the course material is new to me, Design web with CSS3. But it's really so fun! Seriously!!

    At first week, we were working very hard to create the practice moduls and presentation file for the theory. Yes, it was so tiring and shocked us, Me, Berli and Hani. But, at the end, when we taught, it really is so fun.

    First time in my life, I acknowledge that remembering the names and characters of 23 people is easy! I can't believe it either, but I just can see them and their motives and even their ability! I am so sad, that I must scoring them with numbers. I wish I could tell them what their talents is and what they weakness, better than just number of points.

    And the most great things above all is, I still stay in touch with them by social media. :D

    Minggu, 26 Mei 2013

    Rice field... ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

    As a towns people, see a rice field is just like see a gold. And I love it so much these Orizya Satifa filling the field. 

    Well, my training program makes me went to Ponorogo, East Java, Indonesia. It's a small town in East Java, that needs 5 hours ride of bus and you can reach it only with land transportation.

    Well, you can check the 360 degree view of this place in here

    Selasa, 14 Mei 2013

    How long it has been?

    I wonder how long it has been, since I cooked fried rice for myself when I was at junior high school or even at elementary school? Came from school, alone at home from 2 PM till 5 or 4 PM. I wonder how I felt that time, when I was home alone every weekdays.
    Hahaha.. I remember I never had a nap at noon, so what was I doing that time? time just pass by and it becomes difficult to recall. Huff, I grew up with being alone as a habit. When someone asked me, "Bina is not afraid being alone, is it?" Hahahha... actually I used to it, I have been like that for years at far past.

    Ah,, I really hate in this stagnant mode. I have enjoyed it enough.

    Senin, 06 Mei 2013

    Wish I want to fulfil..._†_(-人-。)

    Well, at this point my wish is just to be in a place where everyone is so passionate about building and creating new things. And We're enjoying the work immensely.
    Have family that supporting me, happy around me, grateful to be in a place where I belong and live till it fullest.
    And, have 3 boys in my future family... hahhaha...( o´∀)ノ

    Kamis, 02 Mei 2013

    Recommendation for a friend..

    Write for someone, about them is actually easy. I have write for my BFF birthday note. But, Recommendation is different. It is read with others and it is professional thing. It like what Mr. Donald Trump said,

    It's just business, not anything personal

    Uwaow.... And I try my best to make it, since 5 years from now, I am going to make it for my students. (´▽`)♪ It's a wish to be granted.

    Rabu, 01 Mei 2013

    Life is really full of surprise... ヾ(*´∇`)ノ

    "It's a beautiful day and I can't stop myself from smiling", said Michael Bubble..

    Well, my routine everyday-since I found Umano-is listening Umano...(。⌒∇⌒)。 hahahha... There must be some article that so enchanting. Like '8 ways you driving yourself crazy', '7 qualities of highly creative people', 'The world as a classroom', '7 tips to fight the deadly feeling of boredom', etc. And today the most enchanting article is Just an ordinary day : Appreciate the small thing that I have realized it was posted yesterday.(-_- )
    The article was about women and careers. But what struck me, what made me think about how unappreciative we are of everyday wonder, was a story the author told about her then six-year old daughter:
    My daughter came home from school one day and announced that she’d had the best day of her life. When I asked what had happened, she said it was just an ordinary day. I pressed — certainly something different must have occurred? She shook her head. Intrigued, I called her first-grade teachers and asked if anything special had happened in class. No, they repeated, it was just an ordinary day.
    “Just an ordinary day.”

    That's the reason why I convince myself that today I must smile, because I just like that writer-has a grumpy and mad easily when I went to campus. So, I smile, I sing, I hum, and I say thank you many times. Thank you for my sunny day, my dress, my bag which has arrived-I bought it online, and many more, I have fried noodle with veggie for breakfast which is my favorite.

    The best thing that makes me hum Mr. Bubble's song are, I say to Mr. X-I don't know his name (×_×#-who care for TOEFL ITP certification, "Have a nice day", and to Mrs. X-I don't know her name (º_º)-who care for test fee teller, "May you get well soon" and to Ms. X-I don't know his name too (#+_+)- I give her Oreo Biscuit... (^^)ノ hahhahha... And Mr. Y-Ah, don't know either (-_-)-give me such a sweet congratulations. He said, "Congratz, that is not luck but because you have the ability. May this paper bring you to your dream". And I really can't stop smiling after that.

    All because of this magic piece of paper which is so precious. Thank You.

    And this is the answer for this Thank You My Lord, I believe in Thy perfect plans.. And I wish I could write it for my beloved Listening section problem too, next time.

    Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, for this (not) ordinary day.

    Selasa, 30 April 2013

    Ah... what a quote...( _ _)旦~

    Couple days ago I visited my Grandma home, she lived with my Uncle, my Aunt and my Cousin. And while I was busy with my code, my cousin and my aunt watched television. My cousin loves K-Pop, that time she watched "Rooftop Prince" and she said that it was almost the ending of the series. So she asserted me to watch it before we went to her tutoring class at the last minutes-since I was her driver, hahahha..I am a nice Sister... ƪ(˘▽˘ƪ)
    Even I was playing with my code, I still (could) listened the television's conversation. And at some moments, the Actress said something like this to the antagonist (Indonesian translation):

     Ini hidupmu, jangan main-main dengan hidupmu

    In English, become something like this, "This is your life, don't mess around with your life". Waaaawww.. love this quote... I don't like K-Pop too much, and kind of sceptic about it, no reason, just don't like it. I choose dorama better, hahhahahha... So when I heard this from the movie that I don't like, I just think that I must make a good decision. Wait, not just good, but BEST DECISION!!! Since, it's my life, no one know better than ME! (↼‶)

    Sabtu, 27 April 2013

    Book Review : The Magic..

    Well, looks like I haven't told anyone before how I love reading a books. Especially about dreams come true, relationship and sometimes-but it's so rarely since I felt guilty when read about superstition because it's banned from Bible-feng shui..
    So, this is the third books from Rhonda Byrne. The first is "The Secret", second is "The Power" and the third is "The Magic". 
    The Secret told us about "The Law of Attraction", what we think is what we gonna be. Actually this theory is not new to me, since I was in senior high school I have knew it and maybe some unconsciously applied it. At that time I know that when we thought, said, and believed so much about some affirmation, that affirmation would becoming true.
    The Power told us about what is the most powerful thing in the world, LOVE. When you do it with love, you would have tremendous energy to do it.
    And The Magic, is about gratitude. About how we change our life through a simple words,  Thank You. Actually this book is a 28-days step to graceful life. Everyday you must read one chapter and doing it until you feel that your life changes for better. 
    I have read the few first chapters, but at some point it becomes too many grateful things to do and I just can't do it everyday. so sad. But, I'm still doing it, the easy ones.. hahhaha.. 
    Like every night before sleep, say thank you for the best thing that happen today. And every time see photo of your lovely friends, see their face and say "Thank you (their name)" for what they did to you and feel grateful for it sincerely since we grow because of them. 
    And say, "Thank You, the magic of health is keeping me alive" as your grateful for your health. I love how Rhonda describe this magic of health. Every time I read this phrase, I'm spinning my body around, as feels my feet that makes me could walk freely everywhere, feels my hand, my finger that can play piano, draw manga, write, type and so on, feels my body that so healthy, allow me to do everything I want. It just makes me so truly grateful.
    And when I buy something, I take its note and write "Thank you-paid" as your grateful that you could buy the things I need or want. And my favorite thing is, I wrote on a paper, "Thank you for all the money I have been given throughout my Life", then sticked it in a bills, one bill on my desk and the other one on my wallet. Then every time I pass my desk or I open my wallet, I touch the bill, read it, and feel so grateful about it.

    In my desk, I sticked a paper with "Thank You, the magic of health is keeping me alive" written on it. And there was a time, a couple weeks ago that my bill on my desk is disappear. I am so sad! Truly, everyday I see it, touch it, before I go to campus and it's disappear?!!! Even though I was sad, I kept say that words. And then one day-I don't quite sure if it just me who try to manipulate the truth of this theory,but-my Grandma just give me Rp.20.000,- bill, the same amount which I lost it. My Grandma hasn't gave me any pocket money since I graduated, so it was so wonderful that she gave me the thing I want.

    But when I was sad because my money disappear, I told it to my friends on my chat group. My friend, Nanin, said that I am kind of cute doing things like this and decided to follow it too. But, my friend Febrina asked, "Is it really working?" *the charm, the doing of grateful things..
    At that time, I just shocked and I can't say a word. Then I thought, "hahhaha... it must be really awkward, since I can prove it but I just do it. *do the sticking grateful phrase on the bill. Feels like I do it without thinking, just fooling around, feels like I have lost my logic or something like that..". 
    But I kept doing it, hahahhaha... Rhonda has said that it is the theory which you can find in Bible, Quran, Budhist and so on, so why mustn't I do it? But, the thing I found was the truth that I do it but don't believe it. That's why I can't answer that question! 
    Matthew 13:12 Whoever has (gratitude) will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have (gratitude), even what they have will be taken from them.
    Jesus said "thank you" before He performed each miracle. 
    Gratitude for the abundance you have received is the best insurance that the abundance will continue. -Prophet Muhammad 

    I remember Mr. John Assaraf story about our mind, he told us: "There's 5 frogs siting on a cliff, one of them decided to jump. So now, how many frog is remain?". Do you know how many? The answer is 5, because that frog is just decide, but not jump!
    That's why the truth came out that, I do it, but I just decide to believe it, haven't believe it. And it makes me realizes, that's why my life just so so, because I do it, and I do it not consistent enough, and now I realize that I still haven't believe it. *Even though it still gets the effects, because it's the law, it is how its work.
    Well, this time I have something that I desperately want it to be fulfilled. So, I pray for it, ask Him for it, I believe it, I give all I have and used every secret and magic from ms Rhonda said and every things. And I will write to you, when the time comes. 

    Thank You for reading this outpouring of my heart, thank you, thank you, thank you.

    Senin, 22 April 2013

    Thank You My Lord, I believe in Thy perfect plans.. my Lord... (●´人`●)

    Well, actually it's the result from 24 hours awake test, which I wish it could help me see the world... 八(^□^*) タノム!! And I remember how I did it my best, even my body condition that time was weak-because of the Air Conditioning, and didn't slept-but I could feel the confidence because I could did it well. So, I made promise to myself that if the score test result could pass the minimum requirement of the scholarship, which is 550 and the deadline of the test submission is 30 April 2013. I will post it everywhere "Thank You My Lord, it's because of Thy helping hand".

    Unfortunately, It's less than requirement and the most disappoint thing is it just need 3 points from the requirement. When I first knew it, I said to Mr.X who handled it to me, "Seriously?". (?・・)σ ciyus? Nuuuoooooooo..... Σ( ̄ロ ̄lll). I rushed to front office to ask what date will the soonest test being held/occur. 

    At the front desk, I saw Ms. X in front office has a phone call, and from the conversation I heard, somebody over that phone call want the same thing as me, take the soonest toefl test..Then I realised that both of us were at waiting list for the soonest toefl test at CLC-ITS, 20th april 2013 at 08.30 WIB. I didn't want to miss a thing so I asked her to put my name to on her note. But she said that it would be nice if before friday I came to see wether there's someone who resigned from the test-before the test occur at saturday, the day after it.

    When I arrived at home, I sad, of course. But I ask myself, since I don't pass it, do I need to fulfil my promise? Or this is My Lord test for me, when my wish is not accomplished by Him, do I still say thank You to Him? Can I still believe Him? Then I rethink it again, every time I took test, I never get this incredible score! And I didn't took any english classes for this test! I just read the Cliff book, tried to memorize it, did the exercises. Isn't it already be a miracle to pass from 513 to 547? That's why I still say "Thank You" and I still believe Him, disappoint because I am human. But believing My Lord is all I can do since I am a human.

    Thank You My Lord, Thou give me patient, Thou grow my confidence toward myself, Thou let me depend on You. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You. I believe in You,(>人<*)ォ願ぃ…!!!

    God didn't say that life would be easy, but He said that it would be worth it! Don't give in to Satan, shake it off and stomp on the enemy!

    And at thursday, I came and I paid and I didn't care if I can't test at 20th april or not, at least I have paid for 4th May test. I was in state that I will used the 547 score for apply the scholarship, I just pray that my research theme is good enough to make the jury allow me to the interview. But Ms. X said that she would contact me by sms if I could join the test at 20th april 2013. Ah, I met Miss Erna, she want to take Jaso Scholarship because now she is post-grad student and has contacted by Professor in Japan but her toefl score is only 480.

    Until friday, I don't receive any sms. So at saturday, I went to My Grandmas' home at Jombang. 。・゚・(Д`)(ω=)モニュニュ

    At monday, I woke up at 6 am and slept again til 8 am. And I get a phone call which is from Ms. X, she asked me why I didn't come at saturday? I said I didn't receive any sms so I didn't come. And she said that today there's an appendix test that held for 2 person who didn't come yesterday, at 9 am. Hieeeeee.... Σ( ̄ ̄ ̄Д ̄ ̄ ̄lll) ガビーン

    Suddenly I became so lazy, even I have studied it last night, but I just didn't have enough confident and it too rushed if I must came at 9. But Ms. X encourage me to do it and she delayed the test to 9.30 am. So I went.

    There I met Miss Erna, she in a rush too. We prepared the test, took the test. The listening part was fine,   it built my confidence, but the structure part was so horrible. ━━━━━━Σ(Д)ノ━━━━━━ And the reading part, I run out time and there was some loud music played near the test place. Just lost my concentration and kind of beaten of by the test. w(Д w のぉぉぉぉぉぉぉ~!!

    But there's one listening question that I remembered because it was so nice. As I remembered, it might be like this:

    X : Do you want to sign this congratulation card?
    Y : What is it for?
    X : Marry get the scholarship and we want to congrats her.
    Y : Oh I see, well, she must deserve it. It's Marry after all.
    Question : What will the man probably do?
    My Answer : He sign the card

    Do you know why I love that question? (//∇//) テレテレ

    Jumat, 12 April 2013

    (New) Favourite song, Taisho×Halyosy「Houkiboshi」

    Well,  I found this video when I was browsing for vocaloid Kagamine Rin and Len videos on YouTube. At first, I thought it was song that sang by a new vocaloid character, Kiyoteru. But finally I realizes that the singer is a real human named Halyosy *stage name and I just love his voice! Seriously,, I can understand why people commented like this :

     And this one just makes me LOL :

    You can only understand this comments after watch its video. Here is the actual link, and this is my re-upload video since I can't find it on youtube-I don't know why either.

    And this is the lyrics taken from here and here.

    Asu wo matsu aita no nemuri
    Kyou wo toyiteku hitomi 
    saa soro soro de kake you
    wonderful world and wonder wonderland ima
    yami o kakerukeru hikari
    yozora no sanp
    ō no hajimari

    koyoi wa doko made ikou?
    twinkle twinkle star
    I sing lullaby ne

    Darega materu no doko made?
    ikeru wa aeru
    takito natsu kiipu nanka ja
    kyou mo asu mo kitto todokanai

    Ima yozora no nadeeru houkiboshi
    Sha la la la kara deteru merody
    kimi ni mitsukete hoshii dake nanoni
    utsumuite icchau mitsukararenai desho?

    Ima hohoemi kaketeru houkiboshi
    sha la la la katachi no nai merody
    yume wo miseterakeru kara hora 
    yeah yeah
    kirari hikari, kimi ni todoke
    shining star

    Asu e takku suki tai iinori
    kyou ya dame da dakara
    aseru kurai de chodoii
    wonderful world and wonder wonderland ima*

    yami wo kissu kazeru hikari
    namida ga egao no hajimari
    koyoi wa doko made ikou?
    twinkle twinkle star
    I sing lullaby ne

    Darega matetemo
    doko made, itta t
    tataro tsurukatenni naate
    sanshuu jiten nante mada mada

    ima mirai wo ninaru houkiboshi
    sha la la la tzusuteku merody
    yotso saa ni nara
    ana hoshi tachi sae
    tomaku tsunageta sensani naneru desho?

    Ima yozora ni toketeku houkiboshi
    sha la la la kodama tsuru merody
    yume wo tsutaete hoshii io hora 
    yeah yeah
    kirari hikari kieru maenii
    shooting star

    iku tuka imi fukaa sagashi
    chanto mienai kaato
    mu imi na mono nato 
    kitto nakute

    oh oh oh
    saigo no saigo ni motto
    waraeru tame no shuunka aahh

    Ima yozora no nadeeru houkiboshi
    Sha la la la karadeteru merody
    kimi ni mitsukete hoshii dake nanoni
    utsumuite icchau mitsukararenai desho?

    Ima hohoemi kaketeru houkiboshi
    sha la la la katachi no nai merody
    yume wo miseterakeru kara hora 
    yeah yeah
    kirari hikari, kimi ni todoke
    ¡shining star!

    ima mirai wo ninaru houkiboshi 
    sha la la la tsusuteku merody 
    yotso saa ni nara 
    ana hoshii tachi sae 
    tomaku tsunageta sennsani naneru desho? 

    Ima yozora ni toketeku houkiboshi 
    sha la la la kodama tsuru merody 
    yume wo tsutaete hoshii io hora 
    yeah yeah 
    kirari hikari kieru mae nii 
    shooting star

    English translation :

    I close my eyes and settle down as I try to sleep
    Wishing for dreams before another day
    Come on, it's on, you've got one foot past the gate
    A wonderful world
    And wonder wonderland
    Here now

    Streams of light are painting streaks in the night sky
    Marking the start, so won't you go for a walk tonight?
    Under the lights, how far will you run?
    Twinkle twinkle star
    I sing a lullaby

    Is there someone waiting there?
    How far must I go 'til I find~ you?
    If you're just soaring high, no reason to fly~
    Today or, the next day
    You won't reach where you're going

    And now the shooting star that gently~brushes the sky
    Sha la la la it picks a melody to play
    I simply want to point out the comet that you're looking for
    If you rush, look up! You'll see nothing facing the ground

    And now the shooting star trails happy~hearts in its wake
    Sha la la la it sings a sha~peless melody~
    Wrapping all around to pull you into good dreams
    Yeah yeah...

    And the lights, oh so bright, I pass them to you
    Shining star

    (oh oh...)

    You'll have to take care of the fu~ture we wished for
    The current day is fading away
    Hurry, hurry, won't you keep on rushing
    A wonderful world
    And wonder wonderland
    Here now

    Let the bright lights wake up to~ the dark of night
    Though tears are shed a small smile is forming slowly
    Under the lights, how far will you run?
    Twinkle twinkle star
    I sing a lullaby

    No matter who's waiting, and
    Don't look back at the stops we passed by
    It's just a brief pause before we go on
    Cause the place that we seek is oh so far far away

    Now the comet brings to the fu~ture our hopes and our dreams
    Sha la la la it spins the thread of melody
    Even the stars that had been randomly scattered in the sky
    Will become constalations when they are connected

    And now the shooting star that melts away into the night sky
    Sha la la la it echoes a lost melody~
    That wants to convey to you the dream it had again
    Yeah yeah

    Shining bright, fading light, stars will vanish
    Shooting star

    Even though you were left behind, a message
    Was left... you search, can't find
    Just know that it doesn't exist in meaningless lives
    Oh oh...
    It's at the very far end of the~ end
    Where there are more... smiles in sight
    That moment
    Oh oh....
    And now the shooting star that gently~brushes the sky
    Sha la la la it picks a melody to play
    I simply want to point out the comet that you're looking for
    If you rush, look up! You'll see nothing facing the ground

    And now the shooting star trails happy~hearts in its wake
    Sha la la la it sings a sha~peless melody~
    Wrapping all around to pull you into good dreams
    Yeah yeah...

    And the lights, oh so bright, I pass them to you
    Shining star

    Now the comet brings to the fu~ture our hopes and our dreams
    Sha la la la it spins the thread of melody
    Even the stars that had been randomly scattered in the sky
    Will become constalations when they are connected

    And now the shooting star that melts away into the night sky
    Sha la la la it echoes a lost melody~
    That wants to convey to you the dream it had again
    Yeah yeah

    Shining bright, fading light, stars will vanish
    Shooting star

    (Oh oh...)

    *love that part..