Kamis, 20 Juni 2013


Based on Oxford's dictionary means :

    noun /ˈesəns/ 
    essences, plural
    1. The intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something, esp. something abstract, that determines its character
      • - conflict is the essence of drama
    2. A property or group of properties of something without which it would not exist or be what it is

      • Something that exists; in particular, a spiritual entity
        • - the position that names express essences
      • An extract or concentrate obtained from a particular plant or other matter and used for flavoring or scent

    Well, a moment ago I just watch this video and amaze. And realize something, which I have been forgetting it for so long.

    It reminds me a couple months ago, when I watched a reality show on television, the host said something like this:

    "I never believe in Luck. I always think that we are lucky because we have the knowledge to do, to make or etc, in the right time. Let say there's a lottery falling on the ground, if the man who passed that road didn't know it was a lottery, he wouldn't take it, or he even could throw it to garbage bin."

    That time I think that's quite true. And I remember some months ago, I found something like this:

    "Patient doesn't mean doing nothing, waiting with idly silent. But used everything you have to achieve your dream. As waiting that dreams became reality."

    Well, when I think if I am the one who interviewed in that videos, maybe I don't know what to do in "Medical Assistant" interview scene. Looks like I should gain a knowledge about it, and train my courage. hahahha...

    Believing is doing, courage is in action!

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