Selasa, 14 Mei 2013

How long it has been?

I wonder how long it has been, since I cooked fried rice for myself when I was at junior high school or even at elementary school? Came from school, alone at home from 2 PM till 5 or 4 PM. I wonder how I felt that time, when I was home alone every weekdays.
Hahaha.. I remember I never had a nap at noon, so what was I doing that time? time just pass by and it becomes difficult to recall. Huff, I grew up with being alone as a habit. When someone asked me, "Bina is not afraid being alone, is it?" Hahahha... actually I used to it, I have been like that for years at far past.

Ah,, I really hate in this stagnant mode. I have enjoyed it enough.

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