Senin, 22 April 2013

Thank You My Lord, I believe in Thy perfect plans.. my Lord... (●´人`●)

Well, actually it's the result from 24 hours awake test, which I wish it could help me see the world... 八(^□^*) タノム!! And I remember how I did it my best, even my body condition that time was weak-because of the Air Conditioning, and didn't slept-but I could feel the confidence because I could did it well. So, I made promise to myself that if the score test result could pass the minimum requirement of the scholarship, which is 550 and the deadline of the test submission is 30 April 2013. I will post it everywhere "Thank You My Lord, it's because of Thy helping hand".

Unfortunately, It's less than requirement and the most disappoint thing is it just need 3 points from the requirement. When I first knew it, I said to Mr.X who handled it to me, "Seriously?". (?・・)σ ciyus? Nuuuoooooooo..... Σ( ̄ロ ̄lll). I rushed to front office to ask what date will the soonest test being held/occur. 

At the front desk, I saw Ms. X in front office has a phone call, and from the conversation I heard, somebody over that phone call want the same thing as me, take the soonest toefl test..Then I realised that both of us were at waiting list for the soonest toefl test at CLC-ITS, 20th april 2013 at 08.30 WIB. I didn't want to miss a thing so I asked her to put my name to on her note. But she said that it would be nice if before friday I came to see wether there's someone who resigned from the test-before the test occur at saturday, the day after it.

When I arrived at home, I sad, of course. But I ask myself, since I don't pass it, do I need to fulfil my promise? Or this is My Lord test for me, when my wish is not accomplished by Him, do I still say thank You to Him? Can I still believe Him? Then I rethink it again, every time I took test, I never get this incredible score! And I didn't took any english classes for this test! I just read the Cliff book, tried to memorize it, did the exercises. Isn't it already be a miracle to pass from 513 to 547? That's why I still say "Thank You" and I still believe Him, disappoint because I am human. But believing My Lord is all I can do since I am a human.

Thank You My Lord, Thou give me patient, Thou grow my confidence toward myself, Thou let me depend on You. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You. I believe in You,(>人<*)ォ願ぃ…!!!

God didn't say that life would be easy, but He said that it would be worth it! Don't give in to Satan, shake it off and stomp on the enemy!

And at thursday, I came and I paid and I didn't care if I can't test at 20th april or not, at least I have paid for 4th May test. I was in state that I will used the 547 score for apply the scholarship, I just pray that my research theme is good enough to make the jury allow me to the interview. But Ms. X said that she would contact me by sms if I could join the test at 20th april 2013. Ah, I met Miss Erna, she want to take Jaso Scholarship because now she is post-grad student and has contacted by Professor in Japan but her toefl score is only 480.

Until friday, I don't receive any sms. So at saturday, I went to My Grandmas' home at Jombang. 。・゚・(Д`)(ω=)モニュニュ

At monday, I woke up at 6 am and slept again til 8 am. And I get a phone call which is from Ms. X, she asked me why I didn't come at saturday? I said I didn't receive any sms so I didn't come. And she said that today there's an appendix test that held for 2 person who didn't come yesterday, at 9 am. Hieeeeee.... Σ( ̄ ̄ ̄Д ̄ ̄ ̄lll) ガビーン

Suddenly I became so lazy, even I have studied it last night, but I just didn't have enough confident and it too rushed if I must came at 9. But Ms. X encourage me to do it and she delayed the test to 9.30 am. So I went.

There I met Miss Erna, she in a rush too. We prepared the test, took the test. The listening part was fine,   it built my confidence, but the structure part was so horrible. ━━━━━━Σ(Д)ノ━━━━━━ And the reading part, I run out time and there was some loud music played near the test place. Just lost my concentration and kind of beaten of by the test. w(Д w のぉぉぉぉぉぉぉ~!!

But there's one listening question that I remembered because it was so nice. As I remembered, it might be like this:

X : Do you want to sign this congratulation card?
Y : What is it for?
X : Marry get the scholarship and we want to congrats her.
Y : Oh I see, well, she must deserve it. It's Marry after all.
Question : What will the man probably do?
My Answer : He sign the card

Do you know why I love that question? (//∇//) テレテレ

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